Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Beijing: the Second Snow Scene in the Imperial Palaces

According to the weather forecast, the second snow arrived in Beijing on time. Compared with the first snow, this time it is heavier. The whole city was draped with a cloak of snow.
The snow-covered Old Imperial Palace (Yuanmingyuan Imperial Garden) is like the magnificent scene depicted in the novel The Guerrilla Warfare, grand and spectacular. The snow is more than half a foot deep. The Black Swan family is playing happily in the lake, with snowflakes falling on their bodies. It was Sunday, many tourists came here to appreciate the snow scene.
Around 10 am, the snowfall stopped and it was starting to clear up. After fishing the photographing in the Old Imperial Palace, I came to the Summer Palace. On the ice surface of Kunming Lake, there were crowded with people, some were snowballing, some were making a snowman and taking photos, happily and bustling. The snow-covered Imperial Palace reveals a clearer grand style of the royal family.

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