Thursday, November 8, 2012

Yunnan: the red earth in Dongchuan

Words on the Internet has it that the red earth in Dongchuan District in China’s southwest Yunnan Province is thought by experts as the most imposing one except that of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. It even can be more magnificent than the red earth in Brazil.
Therefore, we choose the red earth in Dongchuan as our first stop of the trip to Yunnan.
It is cold in early winter, though here is the south China. People all ware down jacket to keep warm. The inns are all privately owned by the local farmer, therefore, the sanitary conditions can hardly reaches the set criteria. We only live here for one night and then start our journey after the breakfast next day. The photos were taken in the second morning. Because it had rained before the day, the earth was not as red as it was said online.
The red mud sticked on the trouser legs looks like some blood spot in the first sight. Even though we got dirty, but the earth is really eye-catching.

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